Mack Prioleau – How Does Traveling Enrich Your Life

Life can really be stressful, and there are times when you just want to escape to the comforts of nature and spend time outdoors. Travelling is one such pastime that helps you evolve as a person and rejuvenate with new sights, people, and cultures.

Mack Prioleau is an avid traveler and adventure aficionado from Fort Worth in Texas. He is currently a student at the Vanderbilt University and studying Economics as his major with minors in Corporate Strategy and Financial Economics. He also plays football for the Vanderbilt University and successfully balances sports and academics with equal elan.

His love for traveling started young

He was born in Berkeley, CA, and lived in the San Francisco Bay Area till the age of eight years. Then his family took a 10-month trip across the world, where he traveled to 19 nations. During this trip, he learned to speak in Spanish, sleep while traveling in any vehicle, and surf. He fondly remembers the trip saying that it included about 108 taxi rides, 17 buses, 69 boat rides, and 28 flights.

Today, he says that thanks to traveling, he has evolved as a human being. He is open to people from various backgrounds across the world. Traveling opens the doors of the mind. You are able to see life from a different perspective and are less judgmental when it comes to meeting people.  He often loves to share his personal experiences when it comes to traveling and spending time outdoors, saying it gives him immense joy and happiness.

Traveling transforms you as a person

He says everyone should travel to new places and meet new people from different cultures. Travelling enriches you as a person as you learn so much. He adds that his worldwide trip helped him to learn about different cultures, and now he appreciates people from across the globe. Travelling has also reinforced his love for adventure, and whenever he gets the opportunity, he ventures outdoors and goes fishing, hiking, surfing, and hunting.

Recharges the body and mind

He says that regular traveling recharges the mind and body. It just feels great to escape into the lap of nature and spend quality time with your loved ones or even by yourself. You get the unique opportunity to contemplate and reflect on life. It relaxes the mind and body. You get the opportunity to see some amazing sights that the world has to offer. There is so much for you to see in this world, and even if you cannot fly, a road trip to a new place can bring new meaning to your life, he says.

Mack Prioleau believes that traveling helps you understand the meaning of life better. It helps you to live in the moment. You can cast your worries about general matters of life aside when you travel to a new place. At the same time, you can rediscover yourself as a person and evolve with each and every trip. Since you meet new people, you gather new information, which makes you a balanced and well-rounded human being.