Are you an author and wish to publish your book? You might be in a dilemma whether to consult a traditional publishing company or opt for a self-publishing service. When you approach the former, you should be ready for rejections as some traditional publishing houses might reject your manuscript or even ask you to edit it drastically. However, with a self-publishing service, you will face no rejection. You can publish whatever you want, any time you wish!
ReadersMagnet is a strong name to reckon with in the self-publishing industry in the USA. This esteemed company has a team of qualified and skilled professionals who help new and experienced authors self-publish their books. They offer assistance when it comes to editorial services, marketing, and other resources when it comes to the self-publishing process.
The experts here offer you valuable recommendations and give you a customized publishing guide for your book. No matter what genre you write in, the process for self-publishing gives you complete control over the creative process and a larger share of the royalties, unlike traditional publishing houses. The following are some of the distinctive advantages you get when you choose self-publishing services over traditional publishing houses-
- One of the top benefits of hiring a self-publishing company is that you will have complete control over your book. Traditional publishing houses have gatekeepers with their personal opinions on the content, the book cover, and even the title of your own book. If you want to get your own book published, you need to gain their approval first. However, in the self-publishing industry, you are in complete control, and so you can choose your own content, select your book cover and titles as you want.
- Traditional publishing houses will have their cuts when it comes to the enjoyment of royalties for your book. This generally ranges from 7 to 25 percent. However, with a self-publishing service, you will enjoy at least 70-100 percent of the royalties for the same number of books sold in the market.
- When it comes to publishing your book, you obviously are eager to see it on shelves soon. With self-publishing services, the completed book can be up in less than one week. If you are writing an e-book and want to sell it in the digital marketplace, it takes less than six hours or so for your book to be uploaded on different platforms. For printed books, you can get them completed in 24 hours or so. Compared to traditional publishing houses that often take around 12 to 36 months, the self-publishing process is super- quick.
Therefore, from the above, it is evident that self-publishing services give you more advantages than traditional publishing houses. Thanks to credible companies like ReadersMagnet, you can get your book published without hassles at all. The professionals here give you customized and high-quality services so that you face no delays or problems with your book’s release in the targeted market of your choice!